
Mardi Kleincoastal-highway-1345272-1279x1924

Based in Portland, ME


Call: 617-510-9283

Find me on: LinkedIn


“Mardi and I met on a recruitment trip in Latin America. Since then, we have collaborated on NAFSA training initiatives. We redesigned the workshop ”Getting Started in International Enrollment Management: Recruitment & Beyond” in 2012 and presented at the NAFSA National Conference in Houston, TX. The following year, Mardi took the helm as the lead trainer, continuing to refine the workshop for International Enrollment Management professionals. Mardi is easy to work with–she dedicates herself to projects, meets deadlines, and brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to any team. I look forward to working with Mardi on future projects and initiatives!”

Amy VanSurksum

Chair Elect, NAFSA IEM-Knowledge Community